Welcome 2017!

Happy New Year Everyone. It has been busy around Life Intrigued this year and thankfully this little project of mine is still enjoyable – although those quotas can get a little taxing at times. I’ll get my year end summary up as soon as I can (right now birding like crazy and filling up the queue with all kinds of new birds for the coming year). Looking forward to starting my 10th year of blogging and hope everyone has enjoyed my posts – if there is something that isn’t meeting your expectations or new topics you would like me to consider, just let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do. Take care everyone and be safe on your way back from wherever you are celebrating the dawn of a new year. It will definitely be an interesting time and I’m pretty sure I’ll be weighing in on whatever interesting things that catch my attention. Note, I should have extra time to spend now that my list of entertainers that will no longer profit from me has been growing at a logarithmic rate these last couple of months.


2 comments on “Welcome 2017!

  1. Ron

    No, no, stop birding now and work on your stats for the last year. No need to increase your bird count even more until I get a chance to catch up, which at this point will be about 2030. Umm, new topics, yes, let’s see, how about those miracle Cubs?

    You meant an exponential rather than logarithmic rate, as the latter levels off and I don’t believe that’s the case.

    Happy New Year! I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for 9 years now.


  2. admin

    Sorry, we just got back from our birding trip to the Texas coast and now the hopper is overflowing with new birds (pretty sure over +20 for the trip but need to start processing those to be certain). If I had to take a guess right now I’d say I’m finally over the 200 mark 167 is the official count, but 13 from the Chicago trip, 20 from the Texas trip and I know there are probably 10 from the two NC and the Georgia trips that I still need to get to – oh, and a plus one from the Ft Myer trip .. and another crane trip – yep, looking pretty good but as you know, not official (for either of us) until they get posted on our blogs – by the way, did a quick check and you still haven’t posted any new blogs as of yet – welcome to the grind

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