Thought or No Thought

So I was watching the Deal or No Deal show last week when it became clear to me that someone associated with that show can’t think through a situation very well.  For those who didn’t waste the 1.5 hours that night (yes, I did get sucked into it, but mainly because I was absolutely too lazy to stand up, walk three feet and pickup the remote to change the channel – I’ll blame it on the 4 mile run that night), An Iraqi War veteran was the contestant – actually I’ll describe as he is – an American Hero – three tours of duty (2 voluntary), purple heart and two bronze stars so I can live a safe life in the States – Thank You.  Anyway, he was doing the case picking thingy and getting the various offers from the banker when the show decided to have some fun with the soldier.  Out come the Robert Palmer video ladies carrying a round box about 18″ high with a lid on it.  As they approach the contestant they open the box to reveal….. a wig sitting atop the standard human bust which they also take out of the box.  So after a a night of talking about Iraq and making jokes about insurgents, they bring out a head.  I was taken completely back and stared intently at the crowd and contestant to see their reaction.  Clearly it was subdued and if not a bit stand-offish, but the contestant did make a quick deflected comment about it probably being for Howie but beyond that it was not taken that well.  Did the creative genius that thought this one up ponder, even for a minute, that a severed head image would be a humorous gag in this situation?

 Next time, I’ll leave a little in the tank to make that extra three feet after the nightly run.


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