An Unwelcome Visitor

About a month ago I was down in the woods cleaning up some brush and downed branches/trees while waiting for the weather to break so I can finish up my bridge work.  At one point something caught my eye swimming in the stream.  Rarely is there anything actually living in the water beyond minnows and tadpoles so it somewhat startled me.  I slowly crept up on it so I could get a better view of this creature.  Based on the fact it was still cold out (so definitely accustomed to the water and not just taking a dip), somewhat brownish fur and flattened facial features I figured it was a beaver.  For the next 15 minutes I watched the critter playing in the water and thinking to myself how cool this was since I had never seen a beaver in the wild (there is your opening, cue the classic beaver jokes!).  It would swim out to the middle, do some back strokes, dive under the ice and pretty much entertain himself (or herself I guess) the entire time.  Disappointed, I did not have my camera with me I eventually went in for a closer look.  It spotted me and dove under the ice not to be seen again.  After patience ran out, I gathered my stuff and headed back to the house thinking how cool that was but with a slight nagging feeling that something didn’t seem right.  As the critter dove under the ice its tail flipped out of the water and it seemed long and thin as opposed to the mexpected paddle.   After some mental gyrations, I decided it was probably due to being a juvenile and the tail comes in later or it was an otter which would make it an even a cooler experience.

The fact there was no picture of the sighting eventually bothered me so much I put my mud clothes on again and headed out with the camera.  As luck would have it, it was out playing again.

So, what does it look like to you?  … Beaver?  … Otter?  If you look close you can see the thinner than expected tail extending out to the bank.  It also seemed a little too furry for an Otter, but it has been a cold winter and wasn’t sure if they fluffed up for the winter.

Any guesses yet, or have you figured it out yet (in which case you were able to come to conclusion significantly faster than I did).  How about another view.

I’ll break the suspense and tell you it is a Muskrat.  Thanks to a colleague at work that is familiar with these creatures and was able to quickly discern what it was based on my brief description.  Turns out he traps these because they are BAD NEWS for rivers/streams.  Apparently, they dig deep into the banks to make their dwellings.  This results in destruction to the bank and causes serious damage especially when it comes to dams and dikes (assuming those jokes are still flashing through your conscious).  I can tell you for a fact I a) did not know what this animal was and b) never seen one before.  This prompted an immediate surf to Wikipedia.  Sure enough, the picture there perfectly matched my specimen.  Interesting enough, they are a rodent, but not part of the Rat genus.

hit the jump to see some other pictures I took

That skinny tail is actually made of scales and is slightly flattened to aid in swimming.  I also see how it was able to outlast my patience since it can actually stay under water from 12-17 minutes.  My friend also stated that they do not taste good at all – apparently the Musk in their name is due to a nasty scent gland they use as a defense.  He mentioned that it has to be removed to eat, but it still wasn’t worth taking the time to prepare it.  Immediately after our discussion, my tune changed to this was not a cool thing, but a very very very bad thing – especially since 200 feet down river my bridge supports were sunk into the same banks.  This is, unfortunately, an unacceptable risk.

After coming to this conclusion, I walked back down to the stream to see if it was still.  there and to make a decision on whether I needed to bring the .22 back down.  Turns out it was gone obviously overhearing my plans from its vole spies.  I have not seen it since then so the hope is it moved on.  As a result if was a first for me.. and luckily not a last for it.

Now slap that Captain and Tennille album on the player (or iTunes) and crank it up.  For those keeping track.. this is the magic #6 for the month – pressure is once again off!


2 comments on “An Unwelcome Visitor

  1. Ron

    Wen you take off de skin of dat leetle mushrat,
    An scrape off de musk an forget about dat,
    Wat a beautifule fur, mon Dieu! dat is fine,
    She sell for two dollar at any ole time.

    Tidbit: President Zachary Taylor hated the nickname “Muskrat Head” and had strong reactions to a mere mention of muskrats, according to “Remembering President Zachary Taylor” by Dave Mandl.

    Ah, here’s something interesting—Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus. “ZOONOSIS: Yes – disease can be acquired from direct contact with muskrats” at

    Proud to be of help,


    1. admin

      Okay, right about now I am beginning to get frightened. Not only do I get a poem from an apparent gun carrying Christian Militia member looking to take vengeance on a cute furry innocent god fearing muskrat… but then I find out that I can get a horrible disease from this critter by coming in contact with it .. I am already getting chills and sweating profusely. Hold on…. this information came from a Canadian website… for a minute there I was taking their medical community seriously but realized the are a government run healthcare and we know how bad that can be … Wait a minute.. Holy Crap, our fine country is turning Canadian.. when the hell is the next election?

      I must say, a much improved post to comment time, must have that computer purring now.

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