Daily Archives: February 20, 2017

By Any Other Name It Would Be A Crab

Greetings everyone!  It has been a big weekend and I’m not just talking about the complete breakdown of the Democrat politiclowns that decided to jump the shark tank and try to claim Trump isn’t fit for office (Amendment 25 for those of you that don’t spend their days trying to undermine our government).  As my brother points out, we’ll just suppose Hillary’s concussion excuse for not remembering how to handle confidential information would equally qualify, but imagine that… no press coverage there.  No, the real excitement was releasing my kinder gentler website.  Apparently some of my post topics are considered a bit edgy for the masses, however, a broader audience has shown interest in my wildlife related posts.  After a bit of research, some valuable help from my brother Ron and a lot trial and error on the WordPress site, I was able to get something up there that looks halfway decent.  All my posts in their full glory will still be put on this site first, but now wildlife posts will also be distilled and put up on Wildlifeintrigued.com.  We’ll see how this goes and how much work it is going to be.  Will be nice to possibly expand my readership.

So, in tribute of that new chapter, I bring you a wildlife post…Hermit Thrush shot near West Alton Missouri (Ellis Island) March 2014

This cute little specimen was shot on a birding trip down by Alton Illinois back in March 2014.  My catalog system was slightly compromised because I put this up in the Birding Illinois gallery.  Technically we were birding Illinois until we went over the bridge into West Alton which puts us officially in the State of Missouri.  What’s a few thousand feet between birding friends hehehe.  While on the other side of the river we paid a visit to one of our usual spots down there – Ellis Island.  This is the first time I explored the trails at the end of the main trail from the parking lot.  Most of the time we entertain ourselves with the backwaters on the left side of the trail looking for interesting waterfowl. Little did I know there were some nice trails that take you through a nice variety of landscapes (wooded, clearing etc.).  This specimen was hanging out on some vines on the edge of the timber.

Hit the jump to find out what this bird is and see a couple more shots (although the one you are looking at is the best of the lot)
