
Coming to Your Emotional Rescue

Welcome back to check mark January!  As a recap, this month has brought with us 9 new birds and an additional sub-species.  Haven’t been this productive at the beginning of the year since I ran Project Chekov back in January 2014.  26 consecutive bird posts featuring at least one bird named with that day’s consecutive letter (link here).  Now that was a chore, figuring out at least one bird for each letter and then hunting pictures down.  The letter Q was quite the challenge and had to bend the rules just a bit to cover the letter U (thank god for zoos on that one).  Not going to make it to 26 this month, but I can get us to 10!

White-Tailed Kite Shot at Galveston Texas State Park in December 2016

Having just recently featured another bird of prey, thought it was fitting to bring you an additional cool feathered killer.  This sinister looking bird is a White-Tailed Kite.  Some birds shots are obtained by canvasing particular areas in hopes of spotting something interesting from the vehicle (some like my brother Ron would consider this the absolutely best method for winter birding).  Other finds come from getting your shoes dirty, braving briar and defending against the mosquito horde just to get a glimpse of a rare lost bird.  Both methods produce the same check in the book, but clearly one has a better experience than the other aka – blogger gold hehehe.  Interesting enough, this sighting didn’t bring with it that much effort.

White-Tailed Kite Shot at Galveston Texas State Park in December 2016

Hit the jump to learn more about this Kite!
