
Riding On The Edge

While taking pictures of eagles down on the backwaters of the Mississippi we came upon a very interesting scene.  So interesting in fact, I had to take a few shots to prove it.

Ice Racer

The adrenaline junkie above was racing in circles on ice out in the middle of the backwater.  Although you cannot really tell it from the picture, he was on the throttle pretty good.  It took me a couple of attempts to even get him in the picture due to misjudging the pan.  This was old news to my Davenport IA born wife who apparently knew this was a common activity in the winter months.  I did not get a close look at the tires, but she says they have metal studs in the tread to keep traction.

However, the fact that people race motorcycles on the ice was not the most intriguing aspect of this scene.  I purposely cropped the image above so you would not jump to the odd part to quick.  When would you expect this activity to happen in Iowa… December, January, February?  Nope.. This picture was taken on 3/1 on a day where the temperature was up in the 50’s.  Here is a widened shot.

Ice Racer

The white stripe about 2/3rds of the way up is the line they were racing on.  Did you notice the water above that?  As you can tell by the land even above that, the winter months were passed.  I guess if you want to improve you need some incentive.  Losing an edge will surely drop that motorcycle in the middle of the water and last time I checked they do not float that well.

The good news is he was smart enough not to be out there on his own. This rider was actually going faster than the other one.   I left the water on this image for the full effect as well.

ICe Racer

While reviewing the other shots I took, I stopped on the next one because of the background.  It looked pretty eerie with the dark trees meshing with a similarly colored ground.  In fact, it looked like a scene right out of Sleepy Hollow or Harry Potter.

Ice Racer

Okay, maybe without the ice and the motorcycle rider and the… alright so maybe I watch too many stupid movies.  This brings to mind my 7th grade teacher who felt concerned enough to point out to my family that my horror book consumption might be at an unhealthy level.  I countered with the fact that a 7th grader spending his time reading 500+ page books rather than playing Atari (dating myself) can’t be that bad.

Anyway, I found it interesting and decided to share.  Clearly they knew what they were doing and against my best wishes, I did not see a single crash or an unplanned bath.
